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Financial Education CRISFE Ecuador

Location: Cantonal or provincial capitals of Esmeraldas, Sucumbíos, Carchi, Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Orellana and Pichincha (Ecuador). Dates: January 2021 – January 2022. Goal: To train the population in financial education through the courses “Financial Culture” (online) and “Family Financial Education Program” (face-to-face), with the following results: Reduce the socioeconomic vulnerability of people. Promote financial responsibility…

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Financial Education CRISFE Ecuador

Waorani women and youth from Yasuní Park preserve culture and nature

Place: Orellana Province: Joya de los Sachas Canton (Pompeya Parish) and Cononaco Canton (Aguarico Parish). Ecuador. Dates: August – December 2021. Goal: Improve the income of women and young people in the communities of Block 16 (in the vicinity of Parque Yasuní) through: Commercialize an expanded line of products with Waorani cocoa (WAO, chocolate for…

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Waorani women and youth from Yasuní Park preserve culture and nature

Green Microfinance

We promote the financial inclusion of producers and their families, so they make the change in using clean energy and implement actions that mitigate climate change effects on their production and their daily lives. “Green microfinance” adapted to their reality, managing the generated risks.

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Green Microfinance
Mujeres afrodescendientes productoras de cacao que luchan por la igualdad

Afro-descendant women cacao producers fight against poverty

In Ecuador, the rights of afro-descendant women are systematically violated: their participation in the labor force is reduced by discrimination, their access to property and land is restricted, and their access to basic social services is limited. The situation of Afro-descendant women becomes more dramatic in rural areas, where women perform almost all of the…

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Afro-descendant women cacao producers fight against poverty